
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Independence Day

 I love the 4th of July.  The good company, the good food, the fun.  I really love the big bangs of pretty sprinkles that light up the night sky.  Fireworks are like cupcakes for the eyes.  It always swishes me away to my childhood when we would set outside at Grannie and Poppa's house.  A wide open place smelling of fresh cut grass and always a good barbecue.  We would all gather on an old rickety wooden picnic table and dish out the hard work of the family matriarchs onto crisp white chinette.  I can still taste the goodness.  Of, course all of this would be followed by my sister and I displaying all the firework glory.  Oh say can you see, by the rockets red glare.......this was a happy time indeed.

It is my life's mission to emulate those feelings for my children.  To show them the joy of family and friends and the fun to be had in celebrations like these.  That each of us holds our own happiness.  So, this 4th, I had big expectations.  Of course, Mother Nature came along and thwarted those plans with a torrential story of Noah type of downpour!

Notice the puddle in the background!
And the mud!

And then as if a message from my Poppa, a rainbow appeared over the horizon and perfection set in.  No, it wasn't what I had planned.  It was better.  We called friends, cooked some delicious burgers, and let the kiddos swim!  By kiddos I do mean the littles and the big boys!  We talked, we laughed, and we held wet babies.

Man'n the grill!

Love and gratitude was in the air and it smelled sweet.

We spread out a blanket and watched the show of pretties dancing in the sky.  We snuggled babies and laughed at their giggles of excitement of the pop pop pop.

My girl loved it.  It was a good day.

Thank you friends.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fun with Friends

Wednesdays are great.  Waking up to that fresh cup of coffee.  My eyes purveying the dreaded chores.  Like the heap of laundry beckoning me from its room.  The room from which I continue to shut the door thinking the dirty laundry fairies will magically appear.  That the next time I open the door to toss a vomit soaked onesie or a peanut butter and jelly laden shirt, the pile would miraculously be gone.  A morning to which hearing the scury of little feet and the way they hit the floor in search of their momma tickles my tummy.  Fixing toast and watching fairies and fish.  As in Tinkerbell and Nemo.  The sprites new faves.  Not that this doesn't happen every Wednesday.  But this one was different.  This particular Wednesday brought friends!  Old friends.  Good friends.  This is my kind of Wednesday, the day I forget about the chores and focus on pure summer splendor.

It was nice too.  We spent the day by the pool watching our little sprites dip their blonde locks into the water to have a waterfall cascade down their cherub faces.  We talked and we laughed and carried wet little bodies to and from the water slide.  Watching them twirl in the water like little dolphins at sea world.  Kicking their little feet with fury as they work their way from one end of the pool to the other.

                                                       Reese and her momma.

                                                                                                                     My little girl!

                                                                                                                    Reese Kate.


                                                                                                             My friend with my girl!


Not too long ago old friend Jessica and I were in college with never a thought of what would come.  What THIS day and days like this could behold.  Our girl talk has made transformations through the years.  Good ones.  From boys to men to babies.  And I do believe through it all God has had a plan.  That we would inevitably stick together and He would give us each two perfect children, each a girl and boy, and have them the same ages (kinda).  What great work He did!  And from the looks of it, they're gonna be friends a long time.

                                                                                            You coming?


                                    And this is how the boy does it!  Takes it all in through his sweet dreams baby.

                                                                                                              Baby feet are angelic.

                                                                                                                   And so are these!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


So I have yet to mention the other babies in our life....Wrigley and Gucci.  Since today is Wrigley's (or "Wiggy" as Pres calls him) first birthday, I think I should leave some words!  We got Wrigley last August.
I I I I I Sympathetically, I persuaded Gavin that we desperately needed this bundle of fur for little Pres to grow with.  "Every child should grow with a puppy" I said as I disguised my own longing for one of these little beauties!  Truth is, I do believe that all children should grow up with one.  They teach so much love, responsibility, compassion, and patience, and patience, and patience.  Did I say patience?  One more time....


Well, Wrigley came to us to do just that I have a feeling!  He tests us quite often just to see how we are doing!  He has in the past dug holes in the yard, chewed my drapes in the living room, peed ALL OVER the house, and loves loves loves socks.  Everyone's socks.  I often catch him nudging open the laundry room door to sneak a couple.  He will then tuck them into his mouth and inconspicuously roam the house looking for the perfect spot to enjoy his little treasures.  And you know, as much as I do obviously hate this,...... I would never trade this dog!  He makes us laugh constantly.  He hops around like a rabbit when he gets excited, careful to never jump on you!  Cracks us up!  And he is a wonderful companion for Presley.  They really do love each other!

So here's to you "Wiggy" on your first birthday!!!



Thursday, June 10, 2010

All good things come in twos......sometimes

Okay follow me......
  • shoes
  • wine and chocolate 
  • pools and magaritas  (why am I including alcohol in this?!?!)
  • friends and good times
  • shoes
  • and babies!!
That's why I am including two posts in one.  Mainly because I haven't had the time.  But then again two weekends are better than one!

post 1:  memorial day

Memorial Day  was just that this year.  Memorable.  First of all we woke to these two precious lovies! Then we spent the day with good friends lounging by the pool with cold drinks and sunscreen.  Listening to the music pouring through the speakers and the laughter of my little girl as she explored the water.  She is completely fascinated with watering cans and loves to water and overwater the plants!  Our friends are always so sweet to let her enjoy herself!  We had lunch on the back patio in our swimsuits and then headed home to put down my banana boat babies for some much needed nappy time!  Later that day we cooked out (on the new egg!) and went for a relaxing walk around the neighborhood.

post 2:  
The past week has been a busy one to say the least!  We made our trip to Dallas early Wed. afternoon for Presley's two year portraits that were to be taken Thursday morning.  All went well for the trip down.  We checked into our modern hotel in Highland Park and I immediately sent Gavin down for cocktail hour so I could get the kids down for naps.  While I was changing Sladen's diaper, Pres was exploring the room.  There was a mirror against the wall about 8 feet from where I was.  I watched her looking at it and assumed like anyone would that it would have been anchored to the wall.  Well, apparently not!  I screached as I see it come crashing down and run to catch it.  I missed, but thank goodness Presley took one step back when I yelled.  It missed her little toes by an inch.  That was only the beginning of my Dallas saga!

Fast Foward 2 hours, Neiman Marcus.  Need I say more?!

I had a pair of shoes to exchange in size.  I quickly found the shoe in my size and waited for the woman to check me out.  Meanwhile, Gavin is trying his darnedest to keep Presley happy and entertained.  (not going so well since she wouldn't take a nap!)  Sladen is nestled in the sling across my body.  (he too would not sleep!)

Voila!  I have my shoes and am on my way.  On to Maggiano's where Presley decides not to set in the high chair and instead in my lap.  Did I mention Sladen I am trying to keep a pacifier in Sladen's mouth so we don't have two screamers?  Yeah!

Back to the hotel we go!   

After a not so good sleep I wake the next morning to discover that we have no power!  Apparently someone hit a transformer and there are 3000 people like me who cannot use the blow dryer etc.

We actually arrive on time to the portrait studio!  (maybe we should cut the power at home?!??!?!)

After all of that work, portraits were beautiful and are ordered!  Yay!!!! 

We get home around 5:30 and like Carrie Bradshaw would do I go to try on my shoes.
BAM!  Two right feet.  Yep.  Right there in the box.  As if all the work in exchanging them weren't  enough!  Two right shoes!  

We definately welcomed the weekend with open arms!  We again spent some time by the pool with friends.  My little girl is learning how to swim!  Watching that tiny body splash its way through the water is so much fun.  She loves to jump in from the diving board and swim to the ladder.  Over and over and over again!!!  Where does she get this energy?

Sladen was happy to catch some z's and just lounge while we played.  

Saturday, June 5, 2010

my happy dream

       So... Where to start?!?!?   Well, the last blog that I started has kinda been abandoned!  I have new time and not so new purpose.  I have somewhat figured out how to juggle time, kiddos, laundry and all the other dailies in our life.  My purpose of this blog is to tell our story.  The life we live and how it's so perfect and not so perfect all at the same time.  How each day is a special one.  One worthy of words.  One to be remembered.  This is for my littles.  


   In my younger life I had a dream, an expectation of what my life would look like.  Lucky for me, it came true. One hundred and fifty times over!   The last five years have been just that.  A sweet spectacular happy dream.  May 28, 2005 I married my hunka' burnin love, and on May 19 2008 we brought a sweet, beautiful little butterfly into this world.  She came to me with wings, straight from heaven.  I know GOD picked her for me and me for her.  With her, we welcomed so much inevitable change.  The kind of change you wrap your arms around.  The next two years were full of laughter, tears, the smell of cookies in the oven, crayons on the floor, finger prints on the glass, and spilled milk.  All to the sounds of Baby Signing Time and Barney!  Then the baby fairy paid us another visit.  April 25th 2010 we joyfully welcomed our adorable little pickle into this world.  Yes, you heard me, a pickle.  Only the little ones.  You know, the baby kind.  And furthermore, the bread and butter ones, a whole lotta sweet with a little kick to 'em!    Sweet and spicy all at the same time!  (For those of you wondering...., I don't actually call him a pickle,  I've just always thought the bun in oven or pea in the pod analogies weren't all that cute!)  So there!  I grew a cucumber instead!  He is already such an amazing little boy who melts us with each crooked little grin.  It's really hard to imagine that he is one month old.


   May 19th our little Katybird turned 2.  I don't even like writing that!  Her birth is so fresh on my mind still! I just can't believe she is officially a toddler!  My next post will be a tribute to her second year!  We had her birthday party for friends and family on Sunday and boy was it fun!  I love parties!  The whole deal.  Planning them, shopping for them, deciding on a theme, the whole nine yards!  And if I do say so, the party was fabulous and rockin' in two year old sort of fashion!


   The next big 33 year OLD husband!  Yep, happened yesterday.  Another year wiser.  I did pull off an awesome gift though.  The man got a manly grill!  Not just any grill.  The grill he's been talking about for some time now.  The XL Big Green Egg!  Yay!!!!  However, the best gift of all was the card he got from the kids!  Presley spent 10 min. "writing stuff" on Daddy's card.  She drew a heart, a triangle, said Happy Birthday and well, other Presley stuff!  She even personalized the #1 Dad sticker!!!!

    Speaking of my husband,.... this coming Friday will be our 5 year anniversary!  5 Happy years!  Yay for us!!!!!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I could use the tender, age old cliche about how it went by so fast, how it can't be that she's already two.
Truth is I know better.  I do know where time has gone.  I have lived it.  I have spent every moment of her being knowing that this day, just like many others, would come.  I have spent the last two years eagerly swallowing up every ounce of love she has given us.

In writing this I know that it is not just a birthday.  It is so much more.   It is the pinnacle of all things lovely.  It is the Day she came to me.  It is the Day, May 19, that I will forever sit and reflect on her birth story, who she is, what I want for her, what I have learned, and what she means to this family.   It is Her birthday, and it deserves something memorable.

Keeping in mind that this blog not only serves as an outlet for self-expression, it also serves as
some sort of documentary for my family.  I realize that in order for it to be what I want it to be,  I
will have to speak directly to the one I speak of.  I am afraid though.  Afraid that any words I may articulate may only cheapen the magic I feel.  The magic that is her.

Here goes.................

My sweet Presley Kate,

Two.  Two beautiful years.  I remember your birth as if it happened only moments ago.  I remember the way you gazed into my eyes the very moment they laid you in my arms.  I remember how sweet you smelled.  How your little finger would wrap around mine.  I remember your first taste of food.  How you knew that it should be good but you weren't quite sure why it wasn't.  I remember the way you wrapped your tiny arms around my neck and the first time you said mama.

I remember the first time your tiny fingers discovered Gigi and PopPop's baby grand.  Oh the music you made!

I remember our trip to the hardware store and how the bathtubs were so appealing.

I remember your first trip to Beaver Creek and your first glimpse of snow.  How cute you were all bundled like an eskimo.

 I remember your first birthday.  My little girl adorned in all things ladybug.  Your beautiful face full of excitement as you played with the other littles at your party.  I remember how the light fairies danced upon your skin, showing even more, how perfect it really is.

I remember your first PopPop show and the way you took over backstage.  With those all access tags around your neck and your little self demanding top priority!

Your first finger painting adventure......

Your first trip to Disney World and the way you spent your time perched high atop PopPop's shoulders.
(always holding his ears!)

Your first haircut and simultaneously your first "ucker"!  Guess which one you enjoyed most?!?!

I remember every teensy moment of your being, the sounds, the smells,.........the LOVE.

Who she is.

You are a rockstar.  A super-princess fluttering around this big world casting your powers on everyone you  meet.  You do have super powers you know.  Your powers mesmerize me.  They have transformed me and my life into something far greater.  You seem to always gaze right down into the depths of my soul.  You pull out so much love and hopes and dreams from there.

You are an amazing little girl.  You have this huge personality wrapped in such a little body.  Your compassion amazes me, as it's well beyond your age.  You are such a social butterfly!   You love to play with others and you are always asking me "mommy, kids?"  Your mama vibe is awesome too.  You love  anything to do with babies and are ridiculously cute with your new baby brother!  You ask me to "hold it" and are always touching his ears, nose, lips and saying "pretty momma".  And you are overwhelmingly concerned when "baby cryin'".  

Your laugh is so contagious.  I can't help but laugh too.  And those monstrous, crater-ish dimples on your cheeks, I'm pretty sure they contain some sort of laughing fairy dust.  Because when you flash 'em,  everyone laughs and the world gets a whole lot brighter!

I lub, lub, lub your hair and the way it seems to have been kissed by the sun and rinsed in strawberries.  The way the curls fall softly upon your shoulders.  The way your pigtails dance when you run.  

I love your eyes.  I am convinced that they were made from pools of water from the oceans in Belize.

I love the way you say you love me.

The way your skin feels against mine.

I love the way you squeeze my neck.

I love your strong will and determination.

I love hearing you sing twinkle little star.

I love our bedtime ritual and the way you doze away in my arms.

I love your Daddy bond,  how you always pretend talk to him on the phone and always run to him
to dance when you hear music.

I love your smile.

I love that God made you for me.

I hope that the world is kind to you.  I hope that life is good to you.  I hope that someday,  you will find a 
special guy.  A really good one like your Daddy.  The kind of man that will always take a backseat to you.  (he better or Momma will have a 'talkin too!)

I hope that you live big and beautifully.  Always take chances and be kind.  I hope that you always add the sprinkles!

I hope that when GOD offers his hand that you will always take it.  I hope that you always see Jesus by your side and know that He loves you.

I hope that you can always see what you mean to this family.  The happiness you have brought us is immeasurable.  We love you infinitely.  

You have taught me so much little sprite.  Love uncontrollably for certain.  You have taught me that love knows no bounds.  That this moment that we live in, is a precious one gone to quickly.  To revel in each second.  To appreciate the little things, they stick around in your heart for a really long time.  You have taught me that being a good mom is not just about the fun stuff.  It's also about those times when your littles are sick and just want to be held.  That sometimes a hug and a good story time is the best medicine of all.  That Saturday morning cuddles in bed is the best thing ever.  That the sweetest words I will ever hear,
ever, ever, ever are......      Mommy I wub you.

so to my little Katybird,  my little blond haired blue-eyed pixie,................................

i wub you, tons and tons

to the moon

