
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fun with Friends

Wednesdays are great.  Waking up to that fresh cup of coffee.  My eyes purveying the dreaded chores.  Like the heap of laundry beckoning me from its room.  The room from which I continue to shut the door thinking the dirty laundry fairies will magically appear.  That the next time I open the door to toss a vomit soaked onesie or a peanut butter and jelly laden shirt, the pile would miraculously be gone.  A morning to which hearing the scury of little feet and the way they hit the floor in search of their momma tickles my tummy.  Fixing toast and watching fairies and fish.  As in Tinkerbell and Nemo.  The sprites new faves.  Not that this doesn't happen every Wednesday.  But this one was different.  This particular Wednesday brought friends!  Old friends.  Good friends.  This is my kind of Wednesday, the day I forget about the chores and focus on pure summer splendor.

It was nice too.  We spent the day by the pool watching our little sprites dip their blonde locks into the water to have a waterfall cascade down their cherub faces.  We talked and we laughed and carried wet little bodies to and from the water slide.  Watching them twirl in the water like little dolphins at sea world.  Kicking their little feet with fury as they work their way from one end of the pool to the other.

                                                       Reese and her momma.

                                                                                                                     My little girl!

                                                                                                                    Reese Kate.


                                                                                                             My friend with my girl!


Not too long ago old friend Jessica and I were in college with never a thought of what would come.  What THIS day and days like this could behold.  Our girl talk has made transformations through the years.  Good ones.  From boys to men to babies.  And I do believe through it all God has had a plan.  That we would inevitably stick together and He would give us each two perfect children, each a girl and boy, and have them the same ages (kinda).  What great work He did!  And from the looks of it, they're gonna be friends a long time.

                                                                                            You coming?


                                    And this is how the boy does it!  Takes it all in through his sweet dreams baby.

                                                                                                              Baby feet are angelic.

                                                                                                                   And so are these!


  1. The b&w pic of Pres and Reese is adorable, Pres looks like such a little girl in it. The pool looks so refreshing. Ah, back to work, sigh.

  2. Looks like you guys had a great time! Beautiful girls and precious little boys:) Love the pics.

  3. KiKi thinks its time for a new post.....Been too long! Need a fix of the littles....Christmas Pics would make a great post! Love you all!


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