
Saturday, June 5, 2010

my happy dream

       So... Where to start?!?!?   Well, the last blog that I started has kinda been abandoned!  I have new time and not so new purpose.  I have somewhat figured out how to juggle time, kiddos, laundry and all the other dailies in our life.  My purpose of this blog is to tell our story.  The life we live and how it's so perfect and not so perfect all at the same time.  How each day is a special one.  One worthy of words.  One to be remembered.  This is for my littles.  


   In my younger life I had a dream, an expectation of what my life would look like.  Lucky for me, it came true. One hundred and fifty times over!   The last five years have been just that.  A sweet spectacular happy dream.  May 28, 2005 I married my hunka' burnin love, and on May 19 2008 we brought a sweet, beautiful little butterfly into this world.  She came to me with wings, straight from heaven.  I know GOD picked her for me and me for her.  With her, we welcomed so much inevitable change.  The kind of change you wrap your arms around.  The next two years were full of laughter, tears, the smell of cookies in the oven, crayons on the floor, finger prints on the glass, and spilled milk.  All to the sounds of Baby Signing Time and Barney!  Then the baby fairy paid us another visit.  April 25th 2010 we joyfully welcomed our adorable little pickle into this world.  Yes, you heard me, a pickle.  Only the little ones.  You know, the baby kind.  And furthermore, the bread and butter ones, a whole lotta sweet with a little kick to 'em!    Sweet and spicy all at the same time!  (For those of you wondering...., I don't actually call him a pickle,  I've just always thought the bun in oven or pea in the pod analogies weren't all that cute!)  So there!  I grew a cucumber instead!  He is already such an amazing little boy who melts us with each crooked little grin.  It's really hard to imagine that he is one month old.


   May 19th our little Katybird turned 2.  I don't even like writing that!  Her birth is so fresh on my mind still! I just can't believe she is officially a toddler!  My next post will be a tribute to her second year!  We had her birthday party for friends and family on Sunday and boy was it fun!  I love parties!  The whole deal.  Planning them, shopping for them, deciding on a theme, the whole nine yards!  And if I do say so, the party was fabulous and rockin' in two year old sort of fashion!


   The next big 33 year OLD husband!  Yep, happened yesterday.  Another year wiser.  I did pull off an awesome gift though.  The man got a manly grill!  Not just any grill.  The grill he's been talking about for some time now.  The XL Big Green Egg!  Yay!!!!  However, the best gift of all was the card he got from the kids!  Presley spent 10 min. "writing stuff" on Daddy's card.  She drew a heart, a triangle, said Happy Birthday and well, other Presley stuff!  She even personalized the #1 Dad sticker!!!!

    Speaking of my husband,.... this coming Friday will be our 5 year anniversary!  5 Happy years!  Yay for us!!!!!



  1. YAY! I'm glad you are back in blog mode!
    Love the pictures!

  2. YAY! Don't make me wait 2 more years.....and go through another "abandoned" dream of keeping up with my family! Great post! Gives me baby fever!


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